Choosing Heaven in My Mind’s Reckoning by Being Life-Force Positive

I had an important family member pass away recently. Needless to say it was heart breaking. Death has a way of forcing me to think about life. To me death is what gives life meaning and helps me focus on the value of each living and breathing moment. But when someone close to me dies …


The Amazing Uniqueness of People: Why No One Introvert, Extrovert, or Ambivert is the Same

It seems to me that many people have a general understanding of introversion and extroversion and thus have some sense of whether they fall toward one end of the spectrum or the other. There are lots of people that do strongly lean one way or another, but it is also clear that most people fall …


The Cost of Being an Introvert in a Culture That Glorifies Extroversion

For most of my life I thought that there was something wrong with me. It has seemed to me that most people appear to look forward to, and thoroughly enjoy social gatherings. For me, dread has been, and generally remains the predominant feeling associated with having to go to a party. And although I often …


I am an Awe Junky: Why this might be a good thing

  Awe for me is a spiritual event – sometimes surprising me with an intense emotional reaction. I’ve never really thought about it much. When I experience the deeply moving type of awe, it has always seemed like a super special bonus, and frankly it is generally unanticipated. Never before have I had an explicit …


Binge Worthy TV: Anytime – but especially now #COVID-19

  My wife (Kimberly) and I decided to make and share a top ten list of our favorite TV Shows from the last 5 years (some reaching back further in time).  The task of consolidating them down to merely ten shows proved more challenging than we anticipated – so we employed a multi-tiered ranking system …


2013 – A Year in Review: How Do You Think?

Although I did not make a substantial number of posts in 2013, the traffic to my site remained relatively vigorous.  Throughout 2013 my blog had 24,007 hits from 21,042 unique visitors, accounting for nearly 30,000 page views.  I had visitors from every state in the US and 158 nations around the world.  Visitors from the …


2012 – A Year in Review: How Do You Think?

Although I did not make a substantial number of posts in 2012, the traffic to my site doubled.  Throughout 2012 my blog had 35,819 hits from 31,960 unique visitors, accounting for over 46,720 page views.  I had visitors from every state in the US and visits from people from 165 nations around the world.  Visitors …


Happiness as Measured by GDP: Really?

Citizens of the United States are endowed with certain unalienable rights: one of which is the right to pursue happiness.  Governments generally need to attend to the common level of happiness of its citizens in order to sustain power.  As evidenced by the Arab Spring, unhappy people have the capability to overthrow ineffectual governments.  As …
